
Florida Native Plant Society's 43rd Conference
"Seeds For Tomorrow"
April 2-6, 2025 at the UF Hilton 1714 SW 34th St, Gainesville
Registration Now Open! Click Here.
The Gainesville Hilton, the conference hotel, is almost fully booked, our room block is sold out, and the remaining room prices are very high. We recommend you seek alternative lodging options, nearby lodging is available on VRBO,, AirBnB,, and Kayak.
We invite you to join us for our hybrid conference, either in-person or virtually.
Students and volunteers receive special discounts.
Numerous CEU credits have been applied for - click here for details.
Our highly anticipated return to an in-person conference is now here! For those who can not attend in-person, we are continuing to offer the virtual conference and the online platform will be available to all attendees so that you may network before the event, view the Current Events track sessions live or on replay, and use the platform's tools, such as the digital Agenda and messaging features. For those that are headed to see us in Gainesville, you have great things in store!
- 4 amazing featured speakers to start and end each day
- 3 tracks of sessions featuring experts presenting on Current Events, Conservation, and cutting-edge Research
- 2 days of 31 field trips across the region
- Interesting workshops
- Exhibitors, Native plant vendors, and the Silent Auction
- Networking and community building
- CEUs for FNGLA, APLD (applied), and ASLA Florida (applied)
- Registration also includes lunch, and coffee/tea/water during the day. All meals served at the conference will include the following options: omnivore, vegan, gluten-free. View options here.
Schedule at a glance
Wednesday, April 2nd - onsite registration opens, Welcome Social.
Thursday, April 3rd - field trips, workshops, leadership meetings, evening social.
Friday, April 4th - speakers, plant sale/vendors, silent auction, plant ID contest, banquet.
Saturday, April 5th - speakers, plant sale/vendors, silent auction closes, evening social.
Sunday, April 6th - field trips.
Please review the FNPS Conference Policies here.
Gainesville is a lively college town, full of history and natural beauty. With the University of Florida at its heart, it is at the forefront of the environmental and plant sciences in Florida. We look forward to having the 2025 FNPS Conference centered here and thank the Paynes Prairie chapter for hosting us!
If you have any questions, please reach out to: [email protected]
If you’d like to contribute your talents and volunteer at the conference, we have an online signup form where you can view the open positions. Volunteer 4 hours and receive complimentary registration for that day. Sign up here!
Our Silent Auction is currently gathering donations and we'd love to have your support! The Silent Auction is managed by the awesome Jenny Welch. Please email her if you have any items to donate.
We’d especially like to give a huge thank you to our Sponsors. Sponsorship provides critical funding for the distinguished speakers, educational workshops, scientific sessions, conference publicity, and conference production costs. If you are interested in showing your support to our conference attendees, you may view the details here.
Funded in part by Visit Gainesville, Alachua County
Please contact [email protected] with any questions or issues.