Native Plant Communities

Blackwater Stream

Blackwater streams are perennial or intermittent/seasonal watercourses characterized by tea-colored water with a high content of particulate and dissolved organic matter derived from drainage through swamps and marshes.  They generally lack an alluvial floodplain. The term "blackwater" comes from tea-colored, acidic water.


Clewell, A.F. 1986. Natural setting and vegetation of the Florida Panhandle - An account of the environments and plant communities of northern Florida west of the Suwannee River. Report No. COESAM/PDEI-86/001. United States Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Alabama.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 1992. Soil and Water Relationships of Florida's Ecological Communities

Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI). 2010. Guide to the natural communities of Florida: 2010 edition. Florida Natural Areas Inventory, Tallahassee, FL.

Myers, R.L. and J.J. Ewel (eds.). 1990. Ecosystems of Florida University of Central Florida Press: Orlando.

Simons, R.W. 1990. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats. Pages 99-157 in S.H. Wolfe, editor. An ecological characterization of the Florida Springs Coast: Pithlachascotee to Waccasassa Rivers. Biological Report 90(21). United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC.

Whitney, E.N., D. B. Means, A. Rudloe. 2004. Priceless Florida: Natural Ecosystems and Native Species. Pineapple Press.

Date Updated 2020-05-17 11:52:01


Fisheating Creek in Glades County.  Photo by Shirley Denton.


Arbuckle Creek just downstream of Arbuckle Lake, Polk County.  Image by Shirley Denton.


Hillsborough River in mid-winter.  Photo by Shirley Denton.