Carya tomentosa

Photo by Shirley Denton. Photograph belongs to the photographer who allows use for FNPS purposes only. Please contact the photographer for all other uses.

Natural Range in Florida
USDA Zones

Suitable to grow in:
8A 8B 9A 9B 

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2002-2022, Copyright Florida Native Plant Society

Mockernut Hickory


Also known as Carya alba

Plant Specifics

Size:60-80 (90) ft tall by 40-50 ft wide
Life Span:Long-lived perennial
Fruit Color:Brown
Habitats:Dry hammocks, dry hardwood forests


Recommended Uses:Large shade tree. Plant where falling/fallen nuts will not be a problem.
Light: Full Sun,  Part Shade
Moisture Tolerance:
always floodedextremely dry
Moisture Tolerance: Somewhat moist, no flooding ----- to ----- Somewhat long very dry periods
Salt Water Flooding Tolerance:Not salt tolerant of inundation by salty or brackish water.
Salt Spray Tolerance:Low/no tolerance of salty wind or direct salt spray



Small mammals (squirrels and other rodents) consume nuts. 

Larval host for many moths including; luna moth (Actias luna), hickory leafroller moth (Argyrotaenia juglandana), royal walnut moth (Citheronia regalis), and walnut sphinx (Amorpha juglandis.