Featured Projects - Landscaping

FNPS has created a model landscape ordinance.  This model ordinance is intended to assist local governments with development and update of their landscape ordinances with a goal toward making them not just "Florida Friendly" but native friendly as well.   The model ordinance is not intended to replace local ordinances, but rather to be a guide for making them sustainable.  They encourage practices to conserve water, protect water quality, avoid problem non-native species (invasive species), and provide habitat for desirable insects and wildlife.

Download the Model Ordinance

Cover of the model ordinance.



The Council of Chapters spearheaded the development of six regional native plant brochure.  Each brochure has easily gown plants (trees, shrubs, and herbaceous species) characteristic of the region.  The brochure is full color and distributed through the FNPS chapters.

Poster versions are available for sale from our TeeSpring Store.

  Email the Project Contact

One side of the unfolded native plant brochure.



From one of our Mangrove Chapter members Gail Finney:  You purchase a 10-year-old house in Florida with an established landscape in a large HOA-managed community. You are snowbirds who spend mid-October to mid-May here. Fast-forward about 13 years and look back at old photos of your yard. It's amazing how much a yard can change over time. The expanse of turf grass has been reduced by 60%. A collection of non-native palms, hibiscus and shrubs have given way to native shrubs and trees, adding much shade, creating bird habitats. Understories were accented with a myriad of small native flowering shrubs and wildflowers.

In 2008: Two Christmas palms, growing too close to the Bismarck were removed and replaced with plantings of Simpson stopper, dwarf holly, and firebush. 


2015: Seven years later, everything has matured into a nice grouping. The additional plantings in the left background (in front of the house) include Paradise tree, with an understory of stoppers, wild coffees, lyre-leaf sage, wild petunias and rouge plant. 


2021: The front "island" now fully matured partially screens the house from the street, provides cover for birds, nectar for pollinators, and fruits for birds. Hidden from view, a mass of corky-stem passion vine winds up into the trees adding more wildlife value to the mix.

When compared to a boring lawn, a native landscape brings in the birds and the pollinators. And it also cools the air.  This is Ixia member Jake Ingram's Jacksonville landscape. What a beautiful and cool difference.  In fact, it's 2 degrees cooler in the summer. 

2005 - before going native.


2008 - after installing a native landscape and architectural features.


2017 - a mature landscape and a front yard transformed.