Get a list of species appropriate for landscaping in your area. You can explore the entire list, identify species that thrive in specific conditions (salt tolerance, water use, etc.), that provide habitat for butterflies and wildlife, and that are native to your particular area. Descriptions and photographs are provided.
Native plants exist naturally in specific habitats. This page provides general information and photographs of the major natural communities that support plants in Florida.
Find public gardens near your community that have native plants. Most also have non-natives, but this list is restricted to those areas where the natives are labelled. We proudly present gardens that have been constructed specifically to demonstrate the use of natives in the landscape.
Find interpretive trails where you can visit to learn about natives and their habitats. These sites are ones that provide interpretive signs useful to understanding natives in their natural habitats.
Florida is one of the most floristiicly diverse states in the nation. Find the places that are known for their diversity or that provide examples of well managed landscapes characteristic of their regions. Access is highly variable as some of these places are remote or lack trails or vehicular access.