Lygodesmia aphylla

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Asteraceae (Compositae)

Plant Specifics

Size:1.0 to 3.0 ft tall by .5 to .75 ft wide
Life Span:Long-lived perennial
Flower Color:Pink,lavender, white
Fruit Color:White
Phenology:Winter dormant
Noted for:Showy flowers


Recommended Uses:
Propagation:Seeds are easily collected by bagging the flower heads once they have wilted, then wait till the seed pod dries up. Once white silky pappus appear, the seed head can be removed from the plant and are ready to plant.
Light: Full Sun
Moisture Tolerance:
always floodedextremely dry
 (Somewhat moist, no flooding ----- to ----- Somewhat long very dry periods)
Moisture Tolerance: Somewhat moist, no flooding ----- to ----- Somewhat long very dry periods
Salt Water Flooding Tolerance:Not salt tolerant of inundation by salty or brackish water.
Salt Spray/ Salty Soil Tolerance:Low/no tolerance of salty wind or direct salt spray
Soil or other substrate:Sand
Soil pH:6.1 to 7.8



Attract a wide variety of insect pollinators.  One documented bee pollinator is Augochlorella aurata (Deyrup et al. 2002). 

Native Habitats:Dry sandy soils, flatwoods, pine barrens, sandhill, scrub, and disturbed areas

Distribution and Planting Zones

Natural Range in Florida
USDA Zones

Suitable to grow in:
10A 10B 8A 8B 9A 9B 

USDA zones are based on minimum winter temperatures


General Comments:The short lived bloom opens before sunrise and is most beautiful from just before dawn till about mid-morning when it fully opens. By night fall it will have wilted.