Rhus aromatica

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Fragrant Sumac


Plant Specifics

Size:3-6 (8) ft tall by 3-8 ft wide
Life Span:Long-lived perennial
Flower Color:White
Fruit Color:Red
Noted for:Fall color, Showy fruits, Interesting foliage


Recommended Uses:Specimen shrub, border, windbreak. This is a spreading, somewhat sprawling shrub.
Propagation:Seed. Often grown in the midwest from bareroot seedlings.
Availability:Native nurseries, Quality nurseries, Seed
Light: Full Sun,  Part Shade
Moisture Tolerance:
always floodedextremely dry
 (Not wet but not extremely dry ----- to ----- Very long very dry periods)
Moisture Tolerance: Not wet but not extremely dry ----- to ----- Very long very dry periods
Salt Water Flooding Tolerance:Not salt tolerant of inundation by salty or brackish water.
Salt Spray/ Salty Soil Tolerance:Some tolerance to salty wind but not direct salt spray.
Soil or other substrate:Loam, Sand
Soil pH:Slightly acidic to neutral



  • Provides nesting, roosting and loafing cover for a variety of songbirds and game birds.
  • Its fruit may not be the first choice of many kinds of wildlife, which allows it to persist into mid-winter for emergency use when other sources of food are covered by snow. Its twigs and foliage provide good deer browse. (excerpted from Kansas Forest Service description)


Primarily pollinated by bees.

Native Habitats:Dry, somewhat open woods.

Distribution and Planting Zones

Natural Range in Florida
USDA Zones

Suitable to grow in:
8A 8B 

USDA zones are based on minimum winter temperatures


General Comments:Range barely reaches north Florida.