Featured Projects - Policy
FNPS has created a model landscape ordinance. This model ordinance is intended to assist local governments with development and update of their landscape ordinances with a goal toward making them not just "Florida Friendly" but native friendly as well. The model ordinance is not intended to replace local ordinances, but rather to be a guide for making them sustainable. They encourage practices to conserve water, protect water quality, avoid problem non-native species (invasive species), and provide habitat for desirable insects and wildlife.
FNPS sponsors native plant month in October.
We have twice worked with Florida leaders to have October proclaimed to be Native Plant month. We have worked with local governments for local proclamations.
Native Plant Month increases the visibility of FNPS, encourages local citizens to learn about native plants, and sponsors special events at all levels.
The chapters in southeast Florida with the support of FNPS, developed a handbook to assist Chapters and members with effective advocacy.
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Participating in the Land Management Reviews for public lands purchased under the Florida Forever and P2000 programs has been one of FNPS' most successful project efforts.
Since 2009, FNPS members have participated in nearly 100% of all state land management reviews.
Habitat restoration is a frequent topic on the state Land Mangement Reveiws.
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